Thoughts, Acting, Writing, Motherhood Veronica Clavijo Thoughts, Acting, Writing, Motherhood Veronica Clavijo


I’ve always been an overthinker, daydreamer and a little ‘passionate’ about my thoughts and ideas. Don’t be surprised if you find an eclectic somewhat mismatched assortment of pieces on this blog. I learned a long time ago that censoring oneself helps no one.

I’ve always been an overthinker, daydreamer and a little ‘passionate’ about my thoughts and ideas. Don’t be surprised if you find an eclectic somewhat mismatched assortment of pieces on this blog. I learned a long time ago that censoring oneself helps no one.

The thing about pigeonholing yourself is that you create unnecessary anxiety about what you should be writing about or creating. Artists need freedom and they need to try sh*t before knowing exactly what they want to share with the world.

Ok, having a FOCUS is great otherwise it leads to procrastination. I know this from an extremely intimate relationship with that ol’ devil. Don’t let your mind fool you into being bamboozled by the too-many-projects-not-enough-time syndrome. Cough cough… (takes own advice!)

The key idea is this. We can’t be scared to share our ideas. Yeah, people will disagree and some may even be unkind about it. But at the end of the day, you’re the one brave enough to put yourself out there. You’re the one honouring what you were put on this earth to do.

I look forward to sharing ideas.

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